Thursday, January 19, 2012

Created Creativity

     A dear friend is visiting New Zealand for several weeks. She wrote me recently that every time she sees a mountian or river she worships God.
New Zealand must be a beautiful place to worship God's creativity and playfulness! I've been thinking a lot lately about the created world and how vital it is to our experience of God.

     There is this ridiculous contemporary christian (yes small "c") song with the line "....I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus, this is not where I belong." Such CRAP!
     We were created for this world and this world was created for us. Too few of us pay attention to the Lord's Prayer "thy kingdom come, thy will be done ON EARTH, just as it is in heaven." This world is exactly where we belong! Why, because this is where God created us to be! DUH???
     My thoughts recently led me to the possibility that earth might be our heaven. Maybe the promise of a "new heaven and a new earth" will be made manifest in God restoring earth to her "Eden - state," perfect, whole, and good with us planted in the world we were created to live, love, and find joy in!
     All of our senses and physical experiences expose or reveal the complex beauty and playfullness created in & of this world, by God. BY GOD!
     Paul tells us that all of creation awaits redemption in Christ's revelation, Romans 8:19.

Take it all in and celebrate! Sing out loud, dance, laugh, love....all the above!!

I love the verse from "Morning has Broken"

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

One more quote:
"Only through my body have I known the wonder and goodness of the created world." —David Rensberger

Live in the Grace of God, "born of the one Light, Eden saw play"!!